Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If I Were Satan by David Jeremiah

Away with you, Satan! For it is written, “You shall worship te LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.”Matthew 4:10

Several years ago the Baptist preacher, Herschel Ford, preached a sermon titled, If I Were Satan. In his message, Ford said, “If I Were Satan, I Would:

(1) Deceive People as to Myself; (2) Make Sin Attractive; (3) Hinder God’s Word; (4) Try to Destroy the Power of the Churches; (5) Make Church Members Stumble; (6) Try to Give the World Another Gospel; (7) Get People to Give Excuses.”

Think of it this way: If you were Satan, how would you trip you up? He studies the patterns of our lives, probes our weaknesses, knows our failures, and designs ingenious traps for our souls.
We are protected by the blood of the Lamb, but we also have a handful of infallible strategies—reading the Word of God, memorizing and meditating on it daily; prayer, which is entering into God’s presence; the availability of friends who can hold us accountable; the joy of being about our Father’s business; and the Spirit-given ability to say “No” as temptation strikes.
If I were Satan, I wouldn’t like those things!

"There are some who say that there is no Devil, but if they would try to live just one day for God they would know that the Devil does exist."Herschel Ford

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