Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rock Your World by April Osteen

• I was born for this moment
• My life is full of God-given destiny
• I will stop crumbling under pressure
• I will stop looking at the moment and how bad everything seems
• I will stop complaining about life being hard
• I will stop comparing myself to others
• I will stop wishing my life was another way
• I’m gonna rise up and be the woman of God that I was made to be
• Whatever the devil throws my way, I can handle because God is on my side
• I am through questioning if God loves me, if He’s with me, if He hears me, if He sees me
• I know what my Bible says, and I choose to believe the Word
• I am in this thing to thrive, to finish and to win
• I am anointed
• I am a fighter
• I am a warrior
• As a matter of fact, I’m a rockin warrior
• Nothing and nobody will keep me from my destiny
• It’s time for me to grow up a little bit more
• I’m a big girl now
• Devil, you better watch out
• Believe me, I know even more who I am and what I believe
• My God is powerful and He can do anything
• I will stay in the Word
• I will keep my mind on what God says
• I will guard my tongue
• I will declare my God-given destiny
• I will fulfill what God has in store for my life
• The best is yet to come
• This is the beginning of my finest hour

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